Happy Quitter’s Day!

Author: David J. LeClercq, President & CEO

 Happy Quitters Day!

Research and polling indicate New Year’s Resolutions typically end the week between January 25th and February 1st, and many well before. Like ourselves, hospitals often have the same goals to improve from the previous year. Oftentimes, January 1st marks the beginning of either the Budget Process or the beginning of the “This is the Year”! With that come institutional goals similar to our own personal ones…

The question begs, why do we always have to go through this? The abrupt answer is “because what we are doing is not working.” Fitness coaches will preach the key to success is to turn these resolutions into a new lifestyle, like hygiene. You follow the daily plan, monitor progress, and solidify from a new activity to a normal daily occurrence. The difference with healthcare is we don’t really know the “drill” because each year we have to vow to do better…which means it isn’t working. Imagine if your trainer gave you a plan, you followed it, and every January 1st you set goals that were similar to last year’s. If that were the case, you would probably get a new trainer. C2 HEALTHCARE will set you on a course so that you don’t make “resolutions” every new year.

The approach of C2 HEALTHCARE is very straightforward. Instead of submitting written recommendations to leadership and projecting improvement opportunities, we create an environment of fiscal accountability and continuous improvement by implementing the OPTIX Reporting System, a cost-based planning and labor analytics system. Combining our planning and daily management analytics, we work closely with front-line managers to create standards and help them to maintain and improve on these standards throughout the fiscal year. From our Boot Camp for Managers to our ongoing one-on-one and group coaching sessions, managers are given department specific management techniques they can immediately apply to their operations with confidence. Quite simply, we train your managers to become “small business owners” keeping one eye fixed on quality and the other eye on cost.

In terms of financial results, labor expense reductions range from 7% to 15% without the use of layoffs. Every organization has varying degrees of opportunity; however, we have found our approach, even in different healthcare markets, consistently exceeds expectations as managers learn to manage effectively.

In terms of management results, the outcome is a fine-tuned management team constantly working together towards the goals of the institution. At the individual level, managers become empowered: they are well informed, financially savvy, and possess the ability to make staffing and program changes based on daily reporting.

Hospitals Need to Reach “Peak Performance” Now More Than Ever

C2 HEALTHCARE can help. We have an unrivaled history of relationships and best practices for every hospital and practical management approaches to help your front-line leadership turn your “resolution” into lasting results!

For more information, please go to www.C2Healthcare.com or call us at 877-294-3500 to schedule a complimentary opportunity analysis.

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